Planning Services

At Property Link we offer a wide range of planning services, solutions and lateral thinking being our speciality. A hands on approch and years of working in partership with the local planning authorities achieves best results for our clients.

Property Link has a team of professional consultants including architects, ecologists, highway consultants, landscape architects, arboricultural consultants, archeological consultants and environmental and sustainability consultants.

S106/CIL negotiations – negotiated to ensure that a viable package is agreed with the Local Authority and the right tenure of Affordable Housing is achieved

Affordable Housing 

  • RENTplus – Rent to Buy Affordable Housing (Retained Agent) – we are looking for S106, opportunities in all areas. RENTplus pension funded affordable Homes.
  • Knightstone Housing,  Cooperative Housing Association, etc. – Property Link works with Housing Associations to identify and acquire land and achieve planning for all tenures.

Site Stalled due to viability issues created by new affordable housing legislation – WE CAN HELP – JUST CALL US.

Property Link provides a ONE STOP PLANNING SERVICE